Located near the confluence of the Little Horn and Big Horn Rivers near Hardin, Montana. 440 acres with 100 acres irrigated, 95 acres dry land alfalfa, and the balance in grass. Improvements include a 2018 modular home, 1,620 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Newly remodeled bunkhouse, 50’x122′ steel shop with a cement floor, high side walls, numerous doors and wired for manufacturing. Numerous other barns, corrals, and storage.

205 Warren Lane, Hardin, MT 59034
LOCATION: Geographically on the bluff overlooking the confluence of the Little & Big Horn Rivers. Located across the Big Horn from Hardin, the County Seat of Big Horn County, Montana.
Just two miles east of Hardin and 47 miles east of Billings, Montana on I-90. Easy access to Highways 87, 212, 384, and 313. The property is within the Crow Reservation, but is Fee Simple Title.
AREA: Custer Battlefield, Yellowtail Dam and Recreation Area, Big Horn River, a Blue Ribbon Trout Stream, are the main points of recreation.
CLIMATE: Being within the Big Horn River Valley provides a mild climate of an average 140 day growing season, 14 – 16 inches rainfall with minimal snow accumulation.
WATER: There is an abundance of water with BIA Ditch Rights with the property. A huge slew that is controlled with a head gate. Shallow wells available.
ACREAGE: 443.15 Total Acres:
– Dry crop land: 100.40 acres
– Irrigated land: 92.20 acres
– Grass/Building Site: 250.55 acres
IMPROVEMENTS: 2018 Modular home, 1,620 sq. ft. on a foundation with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, deck and cistern for water. OLD DEPOT moved on the property that served as an office for Floyd Warren, Inc. is now being fully remodeled, 540 sq. ft. on two floors, for 1,080 sq. ft. of space, will have kitchen, living area, bedroom bath, and two decks.
Steel storage building: 768 sq. ft.
Quonset: 4,800 s. ft. with 4′ cement walls, foundation and cement floor.
Large steel shop building: 16′ doors, cement floors, 6,100 sq. ft., 3/4 insulated and heated with remainder as storage. Extensively wired for welding and repairs.
Calving Shed: open front
Lots of new corrals and fences.
WILDLIFE: Waterfowl and pheasants are commonplace.
TAXES: $6,000 for 2018 – Includes irrigation water.
PRICE: $650,000.
BROKER COMMENTS: Lots of history dating back to Custer and then Fort Custer being built on the property. So many options for use – commercial shop, bird hunting, livestock, or farming.
Dick Grosskopf 406-860-1512 | dick@montanaranches.com