
30 Mile Ranch – 0 Sando Road – $1,700,000 – Roundup, MT

Grazing tract north of Billing, Montana, on Highway 87. 4,608 acres in one block. Wells and Razor Creek on the property. No improvements. Can build your own setup. Lots of wildlife, deer, antelope, and an occasional elk. Thirty minutes to Billings.



30 Mile Ranch – 0 Sando Road:
LOCATION: Approximately 25 miles north of Billings and east of Highway 87 at Sando Road. All in one block.
ACREAGE: 2,848 Deeded acres, 1,760 acres State Lease, 4,608 total acres.
WATER: Razor Creek runs through most of the property. It is an intermittent creek and does not run year around. Water rights filed on Razor Creek. Three wells – all yield 10 to 15 GPM.
POWER: Runs through the property. REA – Lewistown office.
REAL ESTATE TAXES: $1,468.94 for 2015.
PRICE: $1,700,000
TERMS: Cash to seller.
BROKER COMMENTS: The ranch is used as a grazing unit. Mostly native range – some timber on north end. Lots of wildlife including deer, antelope, and some elk.

Jake Korell 406-698-4600 |


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Two SW Ranch – $3,300,000 – Haxby, MT

The Two SW Ranch located in Haxby, Montana, is a strong grass Montana ranch – 500 head carry capacity. 17,823 total acres with 5,973 deeded. Great water spring fed reservoirs, five wells, and pipelines to the stock tanks. Two modest ranch homes, livestock corrals, numerous outbuildings, and good fences.


3980 Haxby Road
Jordan, Montana 59337: $3,300,000

LOCATION: The Two SW Ranch is located in Montana’s least populated area. The ranch is located 28 miles northeast of Jordan, Montana, the county seat of Garfield County. Jordan has a general aviation airport and Billings, Montana’s largest city, is approximately 175 miles southwest has the closest commercial airport.
The Two SW Ranch is nestled between the southern borders of the Fort Peck Reservoir between the Missouri River side and the dry arm side of Fort Peck. The 1,100,000 acre Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge flanks the East and West side of the ranch.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The Two SW Ranch is a “Montana Grass Ranch. A cowboy outfit with a 500 head average carrying capacity. Approximately 17,823 total acres – 5,973 deeded, 9,354 BLM Lease, 1,398 CMR, 1,005 State Lease, and 93 private acres. A diverse terrain with gentle rolling hills, high bluff ridge lines, to deep draws. Pastures can be accessed with ATV/side-by-side. Cow work is done on horseback!
IMPROVEMENTS: The ranch has two modest ranch houses, set of cattle working corrals with water, livestock barn, other lean-to-sheds and storage. The ranch is fenced and cross fenced in good repair.
WATER: Five wells with numerous pipelines and stock tanks provide water along with many reservoirs spring fed and also runoff dirt tanks. Ground water in this area is more abundant due to the Fork Peck Reservoir.
PRECIPATION: 13-15 inches annually. Jordan’s 40 year average is 13.37 inches.
WILDLIFE: This ranch is ideal for the outdoorsman with plenty of room to roam, private access to miles and miles of public land with abundant wildlife. This area is known for the large mule deer bucks, antelope, and the occasional elk, upland game birds, water fowl, and the endless boating and fishing opportunities on Fort Peck. The Fort Peck Reservoir has a twisting turning shoreline made up of over 1,520 miles worth, longer than the shoreline of California.
PALEONTOLOGY & ARCHAEOLOGY: The Middle and Upper Hell Creek Geological formation, a vast prehistoric graveyard, is located throughout the vast breaks and badlands. Fossilized dinosaur remains have been unearthed as well as prehistoric plant and sea life. The Hell Creek Formation extends into the property as well as artifacts from the American Indians and the homestead era.
TAXES: $3,564.41.
MINERALS: If any, they will transfer.
TERMS: Cash to seller.
BROKER COMMENTS: The Two SW Ranch is a True Montana Grass Ranch. The deeded ground is intermingled with the public ground tying the water and the ranch together. This grass is strong and the calves on this ranch are some of the best range grass calves around. This ranch is what you see, a grass “Cowboy Outfit”.

Scott Grosskopf 406-861-4558 | 9


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Rosebud Horse Ranch 2189 Highway 78 – $599,900- Roscoe, MT

SOLD! Spectacular Horse Property! 2189 Highway 78 Roscoe, Montana 59071


2189 Highway 78, Roscoe, MT 59071 – Sale Contingent
The Rosebud Horse Ranch is a complete facility for breeding & training.

LOCATION: On the East Rosebud drainage, two miles down stream or North of Roscoe, Montana. Since everyone says “Where the Hell is Roscoe?” – The property is on Highway 78 twelve miles south of Absarokee and thirty-two miles west of Red Lodge.
Roscoe is at the base of the Beartooth Mountain Range. Red Lodge is an agricultural/resort town on the road to Yellow-stone National Park and the Red Lodge Mountain Ski Run. Red Lodge has medical facilities and is a full service community.


  • Modular home with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 1,926 sq. ft. on a permanent foundation. Woodstove, deck, & RV parking.
  • 160’ x 70’ indoor arena, insulated, lights, and windows. Stalls in a lean-to style building off the arena. Attached 2 bedrooms, 1 bath apartment with a single car garage.
  • Heated & insulated shop with attached storage area.
  • 16’ x 32’ pole frame loafing shed with steel siding.
  • Four paddocks all with steel pipe fencing.

ACREAGE: 21.7 acres total adjoining Highway 78 with approximately 15 acres flood irrigated. Two wells on the property.


TAXES: $2,793.67 for 2015.

PRICE: $599,900

TERMS: Cash to seller.

BROKER COMMENTS: I don’t see much that could be improved on as a horse facility. Everything is well kept and in working order.
If you wish to build an executive home, there is a great location and use the existing home & apartment for a caretaker and/or trainers.

Dick Grosskopf 406-860-1512 |


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Buffalo Creek 320 – $245,000 – Custer, MT

SOLD! 320 Acres! Buffalo Creek 320 Custer, Montana 59024


Buffalo Creek 320
Additional Features
LOCATION: Six miles northwest of Custer, Montana. County Road (Buffalo Creek) to within half-mile of the property. Private dirt road for half-mile.

AREA FEATURES: In the foothills north of the Yellowstone River. Lots of pines, rimrocks and protection

IMPROVEMENTS : No structures. Has power, telephone, and a good well. Locations are cleared for home site.

ACREAGE: 320 acres—grass

WILDLIFE: Deer, antelope, upland birds and turkeys call this place home.

TAXES: $750

PRICE: Reduced to $245,000

TERMS: Cash to seller.

BROKER COMMENTS: If you want seclusion, this parcel fills the bill. Nobody can look in on you and yet only six miles to I-90.

Dick Grosskopf 406-860-1512 |

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Comanche Flats Pasture & Farm – $946,000- Broadview, MT

1,720 Acres twenty miles northwest of Billings, Montana. 1,340 acres pasture divided into four units, two wells. 380 acres farm ground. Power. Great access.


Comanche Flats Pasture & Farm
LOCATION: 20 miles Northwest of Billings, Montana, in Yel-lowstone County.
DIRECTIONS: From Billings take Highway 3 north to Co-manche, north end of Comanche take David Road, to the right head north. In one mile, David Road turns right into Berkley Road. You have arrived at the southwest corner of the property.
ACCESS: Comanche Flats Pasture & Farm has fantastic ac-cess from the east side off county maintained Van Sky Road. Southern border off county maintained Berkley Road and the west side from David Road.
AREA FEATURES: Comanche Flats Pasture & Farm is on-ly minutes from Montana’s largest city, Billings, which provides superior air service, restaurants, shopping, and medical.
ACREAGE BREAKDOWN: 1,720 +/- total acres.
– 1,340 Acres: Fenced into four separate units makes up the pasture.
– 380 Acres: Crop land
IMPROVEMENTS: Modest corrals with loading chute. Pow-er at the corrals.
– Two wells, one windmill—one at corrals, electric
– Fenced / cross fenced
BROKER COMMENTS: Nice opportunity to find pasture close to town with great access and has water.
Farm ground provides opportunity to expand your hay base or seed back to grass.
This property would fit very well with the Buffalo Springs Ranch listing located only a mile to the east.

Scott Grosskopf 406-861-4558 |


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